Indiana Grades 6-8 Computer Science Academic Standards

Networking and Communication

Collaborative Design and Publication

Collaboratively design, develop, publish, and present products (e.g., videos, podcasts, websites) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts.

Long Description

Students should be able to work collaboratively, with their peers, to design and develop products, demonstrating knowledge from the rest of the curriculum. They should also be able to choose the right publication method for their product and be able to present their product to an appropriate audience.

Explanation For Teachers

Students use production and design tools such as Microsoft/Google Suite.


Students will gain the ability to use collaborative techniques along with knowledge of technological tools that will aid them in collaboration. This can be applied to any subject as they might not have been exposed to tools they could use to solve problems.


Students will learn:
  • The importance of collaboration between peers
  • The process of designing and developing products
  • About multi-media publication and presentation methods

Alternative Approaches


  • Collaboration - Defining collaboration and types of collaboration

Feedback Integration

Exhibit dispositions necessary for collaboration: providing useful feedback, integrating feedback, understanding and accepting multiple perspectives, socialization.

Long Description

Students should be able to provide useful feedback towards their peers. They should know the different methods of feedback integration. They should be able to understand the importance of other peers’ perspectives, and to be able to respect those perspectives.

Explanation For Teachers

Any large scale task involving computers is going to be collaborative. Therefore, it is imperative that students are able to communicate with each other well.


Students will benefit from this standard by gaining an understanding of respectful collaboration. This can be applied to English as a peer editing skill and to group work as communication techniques. Students will also learn how to gracefully accept others’ opinions to improve their work.


  • The importance of providing feedback
  • Types of productive feedback
  • The importance of gaining another person's perspective
  • The importance of socialization and working together

Proposed Activities

Alternative Approaches

Alternative or non-traditional approaches to help meet the standard; usually best to present this in list format. An example list is provided below for your convenience.
  • Google Drive Approach - Using Google applications, such as Google Docs, for collaboration and providing feedback as a way to help encourage students with special needs to work with other students, as well as their instructors.